SF Examiner Article Alice Street Community Gardens A Secret SOMA Treasure

The Michael Rios edition of the TODCO Group logo. Michael Rios is an artist based out of California's Bay Area and TODCO's very own Artist in Residence as a part of the TODCO Group Community Arts program.
An Untold Story: Alice Street Community Gardens — A Secret SOMA Treasure

An Untold Story: Alice Street Community Gardens — A Secret SOMA Treasure

“In 1971 the first tenants of newly built Clementina Towers public housing found themselves in the midst of a redevelopment bulldozer wasteland, surrounded by the barren ruins of their one-time Yerba Buena home. Then, inspired by the first Earth Day in 1970, Walter Knox and his fellow residents decided to build their own community garden across Clementina Street on a 14,000 sq. ft. fenced off empty lot that had not yet been paved over by the Redevelopment Agency…[read more]

An Untold Story: Alice Street Community Gardens — A Secret SOMA Treasure

The Michael Rios edition of the TODCO Group logo. Michael Rios is an artist based out of San Francisco, California and an Artist in Residence at TODCO Group. TODCO is an affordable housing nonprofit in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood.